Types of Biomes:

Safe Biomes:

These are types of biomes that you can't transition through, but in this biome, you also can't switch to "attack" mode, and kill other players. In this type of biome, you can't find the "rarest" resources, and there are fewer resources in this mode than in "Scary" biomes.

Wild Biomes:

This is a type of biome in which you can switch to Attack mode, and accordingly, you can kill other players and take their resources. In this mode, you can find "Rarest resources", and in general, resource extraction in this mode is 5 times as much. Also, the backpack in this mode increases 3 times.

List of Biomes and Resources:


A biome where there are a large number of different trees, bushes, transitions, and other elements. The location is multi-level.

Resources that can be found at the location:


A biome where most of the territory is occupied by swamps, falling into which Shaggy lose health. The location is multi-level.

Resources that can be found at the location: