
Player selection will work as follows:

The player's league and division are checked.

The player's search area in the queue is checked. Initially, players within the boundaries of +-1 player's division are checked.

A search is conducted for opponents who are in the queue and in the player's search area.

If there are players from the same division in the queue - a player is selected who is closest in rating points to the player.

If there are no players from the same division in the queue after 10 seconds - the search area expands to the entire league.

If there are no players from the same league in the queue after 30 seconds - the search area expands to adjacent leagues.

The search area has a limit - one league above and below the player's original league.

Betting field:

Depending on the bet, an enemy with the same bet will be selected for the player.

For the first 10 seconds, an opponent is selected within the range of +-50 rating places from the player's own rating.